My mind is its own Danger Room.
Example: when, without warning, I’m all “what was the typeface used in the 1979 television series Angie”. Speaking of which, in reviewing the material for reference it struck me how well constructed this opening title sequence is—it so perfectly encapsulates what the series is about that I never have to actually watch the show. Also, it begs for a reboot, except that in this case the theme song (“Different Worlds”) is taken literally in that the guy is literally from a different world like the planet Arcturus or somewhere in the constellation of Kasterborous (pack up your money, Mary Ann). The male lead in Angie was Robert Hays, who in retrospect looks like Joey and Ross had a love child in 1947. The show itself is really the last example of the frothy 1960s/early 1970s ABC situation comedy, so it probably already seemed out of place when it aired.
PS: It’s a version of Bookman Italic with lots of ball terminals. The most readily available digital revival is Larabie’s Scrubby, lovingly described thusly: “The 1970s: an age of wonder, optimism and Bookman Italic. Relive those awful times with Scrubby: an OpenType font from Typodermic.”