I bet Charles Manson wishes he had the same amount of what he and Michael Jackson both have.
I am supremely tired of apologists (a surprising amount of whom are European). Michael Jackson’s career (as a chronological adult) was built on meglomania and payola (I think Hit Men had an anecdote about how the success of each successive single was prearranged), not music. He paid tribute to a pathetic, dying old Hollywood crowd, and they returned the favour so his delusions of grandeur might thrive. He is evil. I’m not joking or being ironic. I realise that Jackson has not, so far as we know, had anyone slaughtered. But there are too many points of commonality between Jackson and Manson to be ignored.
He is the enemy of adulthood, and there is simply, by this point, too much smoke for there not to be a blaze behind it. His career runs on an insidious charisma, the same as Charlie’s, only there’s more of it. It frightens me to think that he’ll not only walk, but thrive, and people will defend him. However, I’ve yet to run across any “fan” who can hum five of his post-1980 songs—take away the gaudy 1950s epic promo films and you’re left with a series of very unmemorable soundtracks. 1980s preteens, brought up on bad movies, lapped up the videos, but the music couldn’t touch anyone because it was little more than a necessity, a mere background element—nothing important.