I am obsessed with Marvel Value Stamps. Marvel Value Stamps appeared in Marvel Comics when I started reading them, right at the beginning of what is considered the Bronze Age (e.g. the rot was setting in. The “Marvel Universe” was really over, I think, when Stan quit Spider-Man. You had occasional bursts of excellence afterward, like Starlin’s work on Warlock and Captain Marvel and the Jim Lee days of X-Men, the Miller books, the Waid Captain Americas and, I think, the Romita Jr. Spider-Man book that strongly evoked the Gil Kane era (before they reset the counters), but most of the rest was so disconnected from the 1960s that it saddened me.) The idea was to clip these “stamps” from the comics (thereby gutting their collectibility) in order to complete a stamp book that could be presented at the first Marvel Con to receive a discount on admission (and some other very tentative promises that turned out to be not very lucrative). However, they happened at a time when Marvel was still excited about what they were doing creatively. They could justify being proud. In about a year or two almost all of it had completely vanished.
I’m so fixated on the design of the Stamps that I want to recreate it.