Duke of Haggard

17 June 2004, 09:59

Jessica Simpson is not attractive, physically or otherwise. There, I said it. Did America really need another Dagmar that badly? I know the real reason she and Britney Spears are popular in the Americas, and it has nothing to do with standards (that much is self-evident) or beauty. Like Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears is average-looking. But they look like someone “everyone” went to high school with, and, in a culture unable to grow the fuck up, that relates more easily (and comfortably) than admiration of someone actually gifted or beautiful, because the mob of the average bitterly resent the talented, because the idea that anyone is better than they are threatens their fragile view of existence.

It would be impossible to improve on the observation of Tom Shales when he compared Jessica to “A braying mule when she goes for those really loud notes and opens her mouth as wide as it will go,” but it’s not just her, and being a large fish in a small pond doesn’t make you a catch.

bp: 108/78

Rodney Eric Griffith


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