Live 8 with Chapter Selection

2 July 2005, 19:52

The Times has reported that EMI has secured the DVD rights to the Live 8 concerts, which excuses me from watching until I can skim at my own preference. Caroline switched over to MTV briefly after this morning’s Wimbledon coverage. Madonna’s performance was cut for an advertising break, which reminded me why I shouldn’t be watching MTV for anything that I might potentially care about.

I could never have the patience for festivals anyway, because music needs focus. 12-hour sets lose the point. Once, the festivals were a great value for money and there was possibly a genuine sense of communion (it was before my time). But less can be more, a lesson that had to be relearned over and over throughout the last 3 decades.

I don’t decry the political objective of Live 8. I’ve just come to think that any kind of extended group thinking has the potential to degrade art.

Rodney Eric Griffith


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