Suddenly It’s December Again

25 April 2005, 00:32

You should see it… fluffy snow has covered all of the trees.

It’s funny how, as a child, everything on television looked so old. This was long before anyone cared about quality, and probably still a time when syndicated reruns were distributed on 16mm, not videotape. It was really striking and weird how something less than 10 years old looked like necromancy and today it just looks like yesterday. (It didn’t help that the 1970s were all about decay and denial.) Same with the Marvels: I was always really haunted by the reprints. The 1960s seemed so far away.

I was born in the late 1960s so I had some of it embedded in my subconscious but geographically and interpersonally I might as well have been in the middle of nowhere.

The 1980s were even worse, up until around 1986 anyway.

Rodney Eric Griffith


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