Good Things About Greater Cleveland

7 June 2004, 10:10

… not the city itself, of course, but a few positive exceptions deserve notice:

• 2 or 3 nice suburbs with paved streets and visible signage.

Gaelic Imports. Where we get our pasties and Crunchies.

The West Side Market. Freshest, cheapest produce in town.

The Harp. The only true local ‘pub’ as far as we’ve seen. Cider on tap!

• Many people have emigrated here from India for teaching and medical positions, which means we have a lot of nice Indian restaurants and grocers.

• The Cuyahoga County Library System, which is great. I don’t regret being taxed for it.

There was a time when “record stores” would have been on this list, but they’ve all closed shop.

bp: 116/77

Rodney Eric Griffith


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